Monday, October 13, 2014

Temporary Hiatus

    I recently succeeded in getting my first job, and my attention has been shifted to console and pay games more than usual. As a result, I've been spending much less time on free-to-play games which is bad for reviewing and worse for my schedule. Therefore, I'm putting the site on hiatus for a couple of months. This will free up my time and let me enjoy life for a while without worrying about blowing off my readers.
   Don't worry, eventually I will again yearn to grind loot amidst an online community and share my opinions of the experience here. That's not something that goes away. But right now, my focus is on other things, one of which is using my newly acquired income to get a new laptop. That will greatly expand the amount of newer and more popular MMOs I can play, while also allowing me to take screenshots at higher graphics settings. Higher quality fun for me, higher quality articles for everyone else.
   So don't fret, o' few readers. I shall return!

   (I should be back a little after New Year's)

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